Caledonia Park School


Parent Council

Upcoming Home & School Meetings


CPS Home & School

Time: February 11 at 6:30pm

Location: Caledonia Park School Staff Room

Home And School Board

President: Kelly Patterson (interim)
Vice President: Niki Bergsma
Secretary: Michelle Palsenbarg
Treasurer: Jackie Fraser

Fundraising Coordinator: Erin McIntyre
Popcorn Sale: Terri Beer
Bake Sale: Jennifer Price
Hot lunch coordinator: Niki Bergsma and Jennifer Price

Playground Build Coordinator: Kelly Patterson

Home and School covers School Fundraising, special events, hot lunches, spirit days, healthy hair checks etc.

School Council Board

President: Bonita Chometsky
Vice President: Michelle Palsenbarg

Div 1 Rep: Terri Beer
Div 2 Rep: Shantel Bauer
Div 3 Rep: Michelle Palsenbarg

The School council handles more of the information sharing i.e.: what’s happening in our school boards, the minister of education, bylaws etc.